sweet ricotta cream for pastry
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Ricò: little package, large distribution

Frozen ricotta cream and pastry bags with sweet flavored ricotta are available as the Ricò family edition that you could find in our supermarket retailers.

Kit for Mini Cannoli

A practical tool kit with all the ingredients for preparing Sicilian cannoli homemade. 8 small cannolo biscuits + 160 g ricotta cream in pastry bag

Kit for Classic Cannoli

A complete tool kit with all the ingredients for preparing Sicilian cannoli homemade. 5 classic cannolo biscuits + 350 g ricotta cream in pastry bag

Ricotta cream for desserts

Frozen sweet ricotta cream for your homemade desserts. Available as 600g and 1kg packs for practical and quick using at home and in little bakery shops.

Sicilian Ricotta Cream

The original Sicilian Ricotta Cream for homemade desserts in a 500 g portion pastry bag, perfect for filling cakes & Sicilian cannoli.

Pastry bag ricotta cream

Frozen ricotta cream into sac à poche packs of 500 g and 1 kg size. Flavors: original taste, pistachio ricotta cream, chocolate ricotta or with chocolate chips.

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The sweet ricotta cream for pastries is available in various versions and formats. Look at the best products suited to your needs.

Pastry supplies

Pastry supplies

Ricocrem products, such as frozen sweet ricotta cream and sac à poche with flavored sweet ricotta, are designed for professional use in pastry and bakery.

Catering supplies

Catering supplies

Cannolo Express Catering professional kits are complete with all the ingredients for filling Sicilian cannoli. Ideal for events, catering and pastries buffets.